Nobua Abe
It is something very strange to have a conscience. About thirty years ago, in Japan, I took part in a group. The group called itself “L’Illumination“. Illumination was a word that someone of our group took from the poetry of Rimbaud.

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The Art of Mira Brtka
Sava Stepanov
Almost the entire ouevre of Mira Brtka is based upon on the analytic concept of a work of art (a painting, a sculpture, a collage, a tapestry, an object, a film, a video). Purity of the formal effect, non-expressivity, problematizing and philosophizing of the form and painting or sculpture, as well as the language consistency in her art have never interrupted the social functionalization of her expression.
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White Paintings
Ješa Denegri
In an attempt to explain the origin and meaning of a new cycle of Mira Brtka’s white paintings-reliefs, we must go back to a time several decades ago, into mid-1960s, the time when her first, also white, abstract paintings were made in an artistic climate defined through the concept of “post-informalism“

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European Contexts of the 20th-Century Art in Vojvodina
Miško Šuvaković
Mira Brtka was born in Novi Banovci. She graduated in film directing from the Academy of Stage and Film Art in Belgrade in 1953, and from the Academy of Fina Arts (Accademia di Belle Arti) in Rome in 1963. She directed a play, Glass Menagerie, in Subotica in 1953. She studied in Prague, working with filmmaker Otakar Vávra.
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Mira Brtka (first from the left), Milena Čubraković(forth from the left)
Members of Ilumination,
Trento, Italy 1967

Forme presenti exhibition, Brtka-Conte-Cubrakovic-Franchini-Takahashi
Galleria Scorpio,
Rome, Italy 1965

Mira Brtka with Ivo Vejvoda, the Yugoslav Ambassador to Italy, Patrick Waldberg and Neda Arneric
Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade
Belgrade,Yug 1971

Unstable balances,Retrospective exibition, Mira Brtka
Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina,
Novi Sad, Srb 2012

Mira Brtka and Gulio Carlo Argan, Rome, 1960